Step Up Surf: Video-Recorded Surf Coaching Sessions in San Diego


Training program for improving your surfing

The Step Up Surf Shores Program focuses on improving strength, mobility, and flexibility to condition you to surf at your highest level.

No weights or gym needed

None of the workouts, poses, or movements require a gym or weights. Just your body and some open space.



Surfing is one of the hardest things you will try to learn. Beginner lessons are great for getting started, but they do not provide the details to advance quickly. It requires more than a few basic lessons to fully understand the different factors affecting your session in the water. After a few Step Up Surf coaching sessions, students can grasp the full scope of the sport.

Every surfer hits a point where they feel like they are no longer getting better, no longer having fun like they used to. Our mission is to restore the joy and push you to your next level of surfing.

From the intermediate surfer who is frustrated with bad sessions, and slow progress, to the kids who see themselves surfing on the WSL someday, we can help.


Most surf lessons end up like this.

Full Approach

Our goal is not to push you into waves and have to standing by the end of the day. Our goal is to give you the tools you need to surf at your highest level. You will learn the fundamentals of surfing, and you will begin to understand how to master the sport.

  • Mental preparation for your session

  • Paddling faster

  • Reading waves

  • Duck diving effectively

  • Crowd awareness

  • Popping up clean

  • Setting your line

 How Are We Different?

This is not your typical surf lesson. Using a mix of kinetic stretching, yoga, strength training and water education you get more out of Step Up Surf coaching than you would at a surf school. We are coaches. We are not just going to push you into waves and then tell you have fun! Sessions in the water will have a pre-paddle warm up and video analyzed feedback.

All coaching sessions come with the option of a photo/video recording in the water. Seeing yourself surf is the fastest way to identify the areas in which you can quickly improve. The first time you see yourself you will notice the slightest tweaks needed to perform at your highest level


More Info?

If you are interested in learning to catch more waves and have more fun in the water then reach out for a consultation today. Let us know your skill level and we will work with you to improve or find you someone who can better serve you.

From imperial beach to oceanside we will come to you!